List of Tamil words in Japanese language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Japanese language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Japanese is an East Asian language spoken by about 128 million people, primarily in Japan, where it is the national language. It is a member of the Japonic (or Japanese-Ryukyuan) language family, and its ultimate derivation and relation to other languages is unclear. Japonic languages have been grouped with other language families such as Ainu, Austroasiatic, Korean, and the now-discredited Altaic, but none of these proposals have gained widespread acceptance.
Little is known of the language's prehistory, or when it first appeared in Japan. Chinese documents from the 3rd century AD recorded a few Japanese words, but substantial texts did not appear until the 8th century. During the Heian period (794–1185) in Japan, the Chinese language had considerable influence on the vocabulary and phonology of Old Japanese. Late Middle Japanese (1185–1600) included changes in features that brought it closer to the modern language, and the first appearance of European loanwords. The standard dialect moved from the Kansai region in the south, up to the Edo region (modern Tokyo) in the Early Modern Japanese period (early 17th century–mid 19th century). Following the end of Japan's self-imposed isolation in 1853, the flow of loanwords from European languages increased significantly. English loanwords, in particular, have become frequent, and Japanese words from English roots have proliferated. Proto-Japonic, the common ancestor of the Japanese and Ryukyuan languages, is thought to have been brought to Japan by settlers coming from the Korean peninsula sometime in the early- to mid-4th century BC (the Yayoi period), replacing the languages of the original Jomon inhabitants, including the ancestor of the modern Ainu language. Very little is known about the Japanese of this period. Because writing had yet to be introduced from China, there is no direct evidence, and anything that can be discerned about this period must be based on reconstructions of Old Japanese.

Clues to read Japanese words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Japanese word, a Tamil word can be derived.
1.Japanese – English and English -Japanese Dictionary by J.C. Hepburn
2.English- Japnese Dictionary; editions eBooks France; ; adapted from http; dictionary /index.html
English – Japanese words -Tamil
1.the side of the chest- abara- maarpu; letters are in reversed order.
2.rib – abara – bone- maarby enpu ; maarpu- chest ;enpu=bone [ letters are in reversed order]
*3.anything fried in oil- aburage / oily means aburake in Japanese- porikka- to fry. oppose- adasuru- ethirththar; letters are read more than once.
* agree- atta- yaeththidu
*6.suit/ fit- atta –oththa
* find- atta -thaedu
8.enemy- ada- ottaar ; ethiri .
*9.beautiful -adena- thaun
10.rise/ go up- agari- yaeruka ; letters are in reversed order.
11.lower jaw/ chin - agota- thaavan-k-kattai ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka.
*12.between- aida- idaiyae
13.injury- gai- kaayam
14. partner /companion – ai kata- koottaali
*15.friendly and familiar terms- ai-naka- inakkam
16.opposing party- aitedori- /as in law- suit or quarrel -ethir tharappu ; letters are read more than once; ethir- opposite; tharappu= party [ letters are in reversed order]
17.Buddhist nun- ama -amma/mother; nun- annai / mother
18.fisher woman- ama -meen amma ; meen- fish ;amma- mother.
19.partner /mate- aite- soadu
*20.minced meat- an- uoon/ meat
*21.there- anata- anthaa idam /that place ; idam – place; antha- that .
*22.older sister- ane- annai / older sister/ mother; munnai.
23.elder brother’s wife- ani yome- anni
*24.older brother-ani- annan
*25.father- chan- achchan
*26.friend- anibun- anpan ; nanpan
* be /exist- aru- eru
28.hard to do- arigatai – puriya kadinam ; puriya- to do; kadinama- hard/ difficult.
29.rare and excellent- arigatai- kidaikka arithaka ; kidaikka- to get ;arithaaka- rare.
*30.injury- ata- adi
*31.damage- ata- udai ; udaiya.
32.harm- ata- theethu ;theemai .
33.the top/ highest part – atama- mudi ; letters are in reversed order.
34.the head- atama- mandai ; head.
35.the first- atama- motha ; letters are in reversed order.
* vex- atake- thukai / vex
37.tease- atake- moeiththiduka ; thothakam aaduka; letters are read more than once.
38. hot- atsu- soodu ; letters are in reversed order.
39. thick- atsu- thadiththa ; letter is read more than once.
*40.prostitute- baita- potti
41.fool- baka- baekku
*42.the sound of the flapping of the wings of the bird- bata bata- pada pada
*43.sudden bursting/ opening out- batto- pottita
*44.beautiful- bi- poo; pai .
* die /end/ perish- bossuru- poaei saera / gone /reached
*46.stupid - botto- paethai ; paethamai / stupidity
* be hit/beaten- butare- poattu adiththar ; adiththar- hit; letters are read more than once.
*48.divided into classes- bu- wake- vakai vakai yaa vakukkua/ paku; vakai- class; vakukka/ paku-/ pakukka - divide.
*49.instantly/ quickly- chatto- sattunnu
50.blood- chi- soani
*51.breast- chichi – susi ;paachchi .
*52.a small pet dog- chin- sinna naai ; sinna- small; naai- dog.
*53. hearing- kiku – kaekkai
54. give- chodai- thaa
* chojo- uchchi
*56.jacket- chokki- sokkaai ; root word is ankki ; troot word for ankki is anika- to wear .
57.inferior in quality/ low - da- mattam; padu .
58.substitute- dai – maaththu
59.theme- dai – thinai
60.topic/ text- dai- paadam
61.highway- dai do – paattai take out- dashi- edu out- dashi- oaattu do- deki – seithiduka produce- deki – padaikka
66.finish- deki- mudikka
*67.body- do- thadi
68.road /way- do- thadam ;paaathai.
*69.same/alike - do- oththa do- eppadi
71.palpitation of heart – doki – ithayam thudikka ; ithayam- heart ; thudikka- throbbing.
*72.beating of the heart- doki doki- ithayam thudikka thudikka ; thudikka- beating. throb in pain- dzuki dzuki- thudikka thudikka
*74.alone /alone - dokku-oththaiyaaka ; thaniyaaka .
75.stupid- don –moodan
*76.talent- doriyo- thiran ; thiramai
*77.a way/ road- doro- theru /street
*78.mud- doro- thoor
79. sound of the feet of many persons walking- doya doya- thada thadannu
*80.shake- doyo- aattu
81.a card/ ticket- fuda- attai
82.fortune/ wealth/ prosperity - fuku- baakkiyam ; poakkiyam ; aakkam . owl- fukuro – pakar kurudu ; letters are red more than once; pakar- day ;kurudu- blind.
*84.boat- fune- punai
*85.boat house- funa yado- punai veedu ; veedu- house
*86.boat- song- funa uta- punai paattu ; punai- boat; paattu- song.
*87.a small boat- hashi bune- sinna punai ; sinna- small; punai- boat .
*88.a public notice- fure gaki -arikkai/ notice
*89.big- futoi- beththa
*90.suddenly- futo- fattu nu
* increase- fuyeru- uyara ; uooru.
*92.the sound of rattling- gata gata - kada kada
*93.ox/ cow- giu- koa
*94.saying- kotoba- kathaippu
95.anger- go- koavam; root word is kaaya .
96.angry – gohara- karuvu ; ka= va; va= ka; karuppu . go- kavai ; ka= va; va= ka. gushi- kaesam ;sikai ; letters are in reversed order.
99.a kind of white silk fabric- ha butaye- pattu / silk
100.the shirt- hadagi- udukkai /dress
*101.hard to chew - ha gotaye- kadikka kadinam ; letters are read more than once; kadikka- to bite; kadinam- difficult .
*102.hard to say- ii- gatai-kathaikka kadinam ;kathaikka- to say ;kadinama- difficult; letters are read more than once.
103.hard to do- katai - aakka kadinam ;aakka- to make; kadinam- difficult .
*104. difficult to do-shi gatai – seiyya kadinam ;seiya- to do .
105.severe /strict - katai- kadumai
*106.hard- katai – kadiya
107. compact- katai- kattimai
108.close- katai – kitta / near
109. manner of speaking- ii- kata -kathaiththidum vitham ; ka= va; va= ka; vitham- method; kathaikka- to speak.
* look/ see- hai ken- kaana
* strike- hataki – adikka ;thaakka .
* strike - hatakiita – thaakkidu end- hate- mudiya die- hate – madiya
114. flag- hata- kodi ; letter ‘h’ is reads as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
*115.prohibition- hatto- thadai
116.gale storm of wind- hayate- kadun-k-kaaththu ;letter ;h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’ ; kadumai- severe; kaaththu-wind.
117.violent- hidoi- kodiya; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
118.fort- hodai- koattai ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
119. bandage for a wound- hotai- kattu / bandage ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
120.fever- hotori – suduthar roast- hidori- suduthar
* make music- hayashi tate- isaiththidu
123.mistake- higakota- kuththam
124.citation- hiki koto -eduththu-k-kaattu ; letters are jumbled. dip- hitashita – thoaiththidu be dipped- hitari- thaoiththar
127.forehead- hitai - neththi
* play- hotaye- aadu shoot and hit- i-ate- yeithidu / to shoot
* hit- iiate- adi embrace- idaki- anaiththiduka
* say- iuta- oaathu wonder at- ibukari- viyappukkuriya wonder at- ibukaritta- viyappukkuriyathu
*135.anger- ikidori- kaaaithar; kadu kaduththar ; letters are read more than once.
136.anger- shini- sinam
* go- yuku- yaeku
* go- ikitta- yaekidu
* ikiteoru-kudi iru; kudi iruppu .
* inu- naai answer- iraye- urai /speak; irai .
142.colour- iro- niram/ ray iro- eeram
* arrive /reach - itari- adaithar
* attain- itari- adaithar
146.get by oneself – ji- toku -thaanae adaika;thaanae- by one self; adaika- to attain.
147.pain- itami- thoonam
148.thread- ito- thaamam
*149.the deck of a ship- itago- adukku
150.a man- jin- aan army- jin- saenai ; ani ; aniyam .
*151.trickling - jita jita to- sottu sottaa sotta ; sottu -drop ;sotta- dripping.
152.prostitute- joro – saara penn ; pajari .
*153.home- kado- kudi
154.leaving home- kado de- kudi yaei vittu yaekidu ; ka= va; va= ka ;kudi- house; yaekidu- to go .
155. home- kiyo taku- kudi akam
156. small house- koya- akam / home
*157.a thatched house- kudzu ya – kudisai
158. house- moto- maadam; idam; letters are in reversed order.
*159.door of the house- kado- kathavu /door;ka= va; va= ka ;kudi- house. speak angrily- kado- kadumaiya kathaikka; kadumai- anger; kathaikka- speak; letters are read more than once. veil- kadzuki -moodaakku/ veil blame- kadzuke – kuththam saattuka ; letters are jumbled.
*163.corner- kado – koadi
*164.hook- kagi- kokki
165.sea- kai- kayam much- kohodo- mikuthi
* of the gods- kago– koa kaaka ; koa- god ; kaaka- to protect .
*168.embrace - kai idaki- katti anaiththiduka ; kattikkoa .
* take in the arms- kai idaki- kai yoadu edukka ; kai- arm ;edukka- take.
* hold in the arms- kakaye ta- kai yaodu kattikkoa ; letters are read more than once ; kai- arm; kattikkoa- hold/ embrace.
*171.mother- kaka-akkaa
172.blacksmith- kajiya-kammiyan
* gnaw- kajiri- kori
174.the heel- kakato- kuthi kaal kidnap- kadowakashi – kadaththuka
176.a creeping vine- kadzura- kodi padara ; kodi- creeper; padar- spread; letters are read more than once.
177.profit- kai- aakkam ; yoakam [Skt] .
* / pungent- karai – koormai; kaaram .
* tie up with a cord as bundle- karageta-kayeiru kondu kattu kattu ; kayeiru- cord; kondu- with ; kattu- bundle; kattu- to tie,
180.the body - karada- aakirithi harvest /reap - kari- arukka ; letters are in reversed order ; reap= aruppu . harden/ solidify - katama- kadinam aakku ; kettiaakkanum . guard /defend- katama- kaaththidanum
184.a basket- katami- koodai
184. knife- katana- kaththi join- katan- koodanum
* converse together/ talk - katarai- kathaiththar
187.hard wood , especially oak- katagi ; ketti kattai ; letters are read more than once; ketti- hard ; kattai- wood ; thaekku kattai ; thaekku -teak.
*188.beggar- katai- kai edu/ beg ; kai yaenthi – beggar ; kai- hand; yaenthu- to hold.
189. churlish- kata-iji- kaduppu ; kadu kaduppu .
190.can overcome- kate- kadakka/ to overcome
191.pestle- katsu- kuththu kattai ; idi kattai .
*192.rice gruel- congee- kanji
193.crying out in alarm- kedatamashii – kaththidanum / to shout.
194.cock’s comb- keito- kondai
195. to build with stones or earth as a wall , castle- kidzuki ; koattai kattu; koattai- castle; kattu- to build; letters are read more than once.
196. a kind of owl- kidzu- koattaan
a wound- kidzu- adi kayam / contused wound; letters are jumbled.
*197. to hear – kiki- kaekka
* hear- kikita- kaettidu
199.guess by hearing – kiki ate- kaettu kanikka ; letters are read more than once; kaettidu- hear; kanikka- guess. be fond of hearing- kikitagari kaettida yaekkaravu ; ka= va; va= ka. understand what is heard -kikitori tta- kaettu arinthidu /therinthidu ; arinthida- know/ understand ;kaetka- to hear . hear incorrectly- kiki tagaye- thappaaka kaekka ; letters are jumbled ;thappaaka- incorrectly ; kaekka- to hear . enquire and find out- kiki- awase- usaavuka /enquire ;letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka.
* grant- kikita- kodu ; kodai .
205.perceive- kiki – noakku
206.perceive- kikita- noakkidu kikita- kattaani
208.strength- kikita - kadumai
*209.acute- kikita – kaduthi ; acute= kaduthi .
*210.clever- kikita- ketti ; kediyan / clever one .
211.influence- kikita-kadavu ; ka= va; va= ka.
212.enemy- kataki – kandakan
213.slaying an enemy in revenge – kataki uchi – kaathuka/ kill kate- kondi
215.fraud- katari - koathaattuthar /to deceive
216.a wooden long sword- ki dachi – kattai kaththi; kattai- wood; kaththi- knife
217. kitchen- kattu- samaiyar kattu
218.promise- katame- vaakku thaththam kin- kanam ; kankau ; root word is kanimam- metal; kaanjan[Skt] .
220. gold- kogane- kaankeyam ; letters are jumbled.
221.fruit of tree- ki no mi – kani maram ; kani- fruit; maram /tree .
* cut - kiri – keeru
* cut- kiriti- keeridu
* cut- kiri sogi- keeruga
*225. to cut- kiri tsuke- keeriduka
*226.cloth – kire- koorai
*227.piece- kire- keeru ; kooru .
*228.pieces- kire gire- kooru kooraa/ in pieces
229.clean- kirei- karai inmai ; karai- dirt ; imai- without.
230.beautiful- kirei- kaarikai /beauty ; letter is read more than once.
231. an awl - kiri- koor uoosi ; koor- sharp .
232.passport /ticket - kitte- kadavu attai ; kadavu- to pass/ cross; ka= va; va= ka; attai- card.
233.surely/ certainly- kitto- kattayamaa
234.bow- kiu- kuni
235.nine- kiu- ka/ Tamil numeral – one ; yaek[Skt]-one .
* scold- kitayeta- kadinthida ; kadiththida . to wear – kitai- katta ennam ; katta aasai ; katta- to wear ;ennma- thougts; aasai- desire.
*238.metropolis- kiyo to- koattam/ city
239.elephant- kiza- kajam; kasam; kayam .
*240.temple for preaching- kodo- koattam / temple
*241.making a shield of tree- kodate kattai kaedayam aakkidu ; letters are read more than once; kattai- wood; kaedayam- shield ;aakkidu- make.
242.verbal message- ko- datsu- kathaitha/ kaetta seithi ; letters are jumbled; kathaiththa- said; kaetta- heard; seithi- news.
243.small sword- ko dachi- sinna kaththi ;sinna- small; kaththi- knife .
*244.sexual intercourse- kogo- oaakka
245.coagulate- kogori- uraika ; letters are in reversed order.
246.fault finding- ko -goto- kuththam kaana ; kuththam- fault; kaana- to look.
*247.ask- koiota- kaettidu
*248.beg- koiota- kai edu who looks after/ guardian- ko-ken – kann kanippoan
250.young dog- ko – inu – kukkan /dog ; naaikkan /dog ;letters are in reversed order ;root word is naa/ naakku - tongue. celebrate- kotohogi – kondaaduka koto- kadamai
253.fact- koto- akkeekathu ; thakamai ;letters are in reversed order.
254. bracelet- kote- kadakam
255.abundance- kote- kote- koadi; kaadu; kadi. ku – kaayam ;aakash ; sky . divide- kubari – pirikka; letters are jumbled. eat- ku- unnuka
* bite- kuta- kadi to eat- kui tai – kai thoda ennam -aasai / eat ; kai- hand; thoda- to touch ; kai thoda- to eat ; ennam- thougts; aasai- desire.
* eat- kurai atta- koriththidu/ gnaw
262. get- kuta – kidaiththida ; adaika; letters are in reversed order.
263. to corrode- kuiiru- arikka;letters are in reversed order.
*264.dark- kurai – karu
* kuro- karu
*266.dark- kurayami- karumai darken- kuramashita- karumai aayida ;karumai- black ;aayida- to become.
* blacken- kuromi ta -karumai aayida ;karumai- black ;aayida- to become.
*269.very dark- makkuro- mika karumai ; mika- excess . person - kurombo- karuppan
*271.burnt to a coal – kuro yaki- kari aakku ; kari- coal .
272.pupil of the eye- kuro tama- karuththa mani ; karuththa- black.
* concern - kuro- akkarai/ concern; care= akkarai .
* kuttaku- kaaththiduka
*275.iron- kuro gane- karun-k-kanimam ; karu- black; kanimam- mineral.
*276.giddy- kura kura- kiru kiruppu
*277.dizzy- kurami –kirakkam ; letter ‘k’ is read more than once.
*278.the banks between rice fields- kuro- karai
279.a person skilled in the profession- kuroto- kai thiran udaiya ; letters are jumbled ; kai thiran- hand skill ; udaiya- has.
280.faeces- kuso- kakka
*281.bracelet- kushiro- kai-k- kaarai ; kai- hand.
*282.distress- kuttaku- ikkattu ; letters are jumbled .
283.trouble- kuttaku – idu-k-kann; letters are jumbled.
283.prostitute house- kutsuwa- kooththiyaa veedu ; letters are jumbled ; kooththiyaa- prostitute; veedu- house.
284.true- ma- unmai
285.true- makkai- unmaiyaaka
286.yet /still- ma- innamum
*287.first / in the first place- madzu- motha / first ;motha idam /first place ; letters are read more than once ; idam- place.
288.first / in the first place- madzu motte- motha idam ; idam- place ; letters are jumbled ; motha motha- very first .
289.early/already - madaki- munnathaaka
*290.the first /origin /source/ beginning / cause /fountain head - moto- motha .
291.first party- moto kata- motha katchchi ; motha- first; katchchi- party . die- makari- maraika/ disappear; letters are jumbled.
293.end of life- matsuge- mudika / to end
294.pasture land- maki- maeikka / to pasture
295.a wet nurse- mama- amma / mother
296.strong and fearless man/ hero- masurao- maaran ;samurai= maaran
297.again- mata- meendum
* step over- matage- mithikka
* wink- matataki- imaithhtiduka
300.front- maye- mun
301.front- omote- munnaadi
*302.whole- matai- moththam
303.purpose/ intention- meate- thittam; letters are in reversed order. love- mede- muththam/ love marry a wife- metori- manam mudiththar /matrimony / to marry; thirumanam / marriage; letters are jumbled ;manam- marriage; mudiththar- do /finish .
*306.body- mi- mei
*307.a substitute- miyo dai- maaththu
*308.madness- mono gurui – mana kirukku ; manam- mind; kirukku- mad.
309.thinking- mono omoi- mana enna ; manam- mind; enna- to think.
310.grove/ clump of trees- mori- marakka
311.wood- mori- maram /tree. put on airs/ haughtiness- mottai -mithappu
*313.breast- mune – monni
*314.mind/heart- mune- manam
315.intention- munu – ennam ; letters are in reversed order.
316.thought- nen- ennam
317.son- musuko- makan; makavu ;ka=va;va=ka.
318.pot- nabe- paanai ;letters are in reversed order.
*319.ocean- nada- unthi nanji- nee
*321.what- nani- enna
*322.what is it? -nanda- enna athu ;anna- what; athu- that ; ethu- it. nana- enn/ eight
*324.male/ man /son - nan- aan
325. smell- nioi- manam emit an odour- nioi ota- naathtam adiththida sew /stitch- nuiuta- thunnu; letters are in reversed order. speak- notamai- nodi
329.throat- nodo- thondai ; letters are jumbled.
330.instigate- odate- thoondu
331.calm /quiet- odayaka- amaithiyaaka
* dance- odori – aaddduthar
*333.a dance- odori – aadar fear- oji - achcham fear- ojita- anjida be afraid- ojike- anjuka
337.buttock- oido- sooththu
338.female- onago- mankkai
*339.time- ori- oarai
340.prison- ori- sirai
341.female- onna- pennn
342.male / boy- ono ko- aan makan
343.male / man- otoka- aadavan; ka= va; va= ka.
344.each /every one- ono- ono- ovou onnum push- oshita- idi drive- oshita- oaattu
*347.fear- osore- soor
348.flute- oteki – uoothu kuzhal ; uoothuka- to blow ; kuzhal- flute .
*349.sound- oto- oaathai
350.youngest child- oto go- kadai kutti ; letters are jumbled; kadai- last; kutti- little child.
351.scribbling upon walls /stones- raku gaki – kirukku ; letters are jumbled.
*352.death- sai go- saaka / to die
*353.death- shi- saa
353.burning the bamboo and straw on the New Year’s Day – saito- thee idu ;thee- fire; idu- make.
354.parturition/ birth - san- sinai eenu ; sinai- embryo/ baby ;eeenu- to deliver; jananam[Skt] .
355.calculation- san to- ennidu /calculate
*356.separated- sapare – piriya
*357.suddenly- satto- sattunnu; sudden- sattunnu. cough – sekiita- kakkidu
*359.a battle- sen to- sandai/ fight oppress- setage- adakku; odukku .
* do/ make - shi- sei
* do- shita- seithidu
* do - shi kaye – seika
364.desire to do- shi tagari – seithida yaekkaravu ; ka= va; va= ka; seithida- to do; yaekkaravu- desire.
365.maker- shite- seithoar /those who made ; seithidu- make.
*366.actions /deeds- sho gi- seikai
* 367.shaking- shindo- asainthida
*368.tired- shindo- asanthida
369.teacher- shi- aasaan
370.method of doing- shi kata- seiyim nikuthi ; sei- do; nikuthi- method.
*371.gesture- shi kata- saikai kaattu /gesturing
*372.juice- shiru- saaru
373.a drink made of rice- shiro zake- sarakku / liquor; kaaichchiya arisi saaru ; letters are jumbled; kaachchu- brew; arisi- rice; saaru- juice.
374.wish to make- shitai- seithida nasai ;seithida aasai ; seithida -to do; nasai- desire ;aasai- desire. desire for- shitai- ichchai yoadu ; aasai yoadu .
* put on- shitate- soodidu ; uduththu . educate- shit ate- padiththidu ; shit ate= study .
378.tailoring- shit ate- theiththida
379.tailor- shitateya- thaiyaan ; letter ‘t’ is read only once.
380.the manner anything is made- shi tate kata - seithidum nikuthi ;seithidu- do/ make; nikuthi- method. make up as clothes- shit ate- sattai uduththu /to wear shirt ; sattai- shirt; uduththu- wear.
382.under garment- shita gi- kachchattam ; letters are jumbled.
*383.drip- shitatari- sottuthar express messenger- shit ate- thoothan / messanger
*385.agree to- shitagai – oththukka go after- shitagai- thaedi oaaduka ; naaduka .
387.under/ beneath- shita – adi
388.disciple- shitei- seedan ; thondan .
*389.succeed in doing- shi toge- saathikka /achieve
*390.little child- sho ni- sinnaiyyan
*391.holding property- sho tai- soththu udaiya ; soththu- property; udaiya- has.
392.lord- shujin- iyan; achchan.
*393.urine- sho yo- uchchaa
* dye- some ta- saayam idu ;sayam- paint; idu- do .
395.bribe- sokuro- kai urai ; kai- hand; urai- cover. shave- sori -sarai shave- sorita- saraiththidu[?Skt] ; thaadi mudi eduththar ;letters are jumbled; thaadi- beard; mudi- hair; edu- take away .
* add- soye ta- saeththidu
* shake- soyogi- asaikka ; shake= asaikka
* save- sukui uta- kaaththidu ; kaasu saeththidu / to save cash; letters are jumbled. ;kaasu- cash ;saeththidu- to accumulate.
401.crowded- suki ita-koottama
402.merely looking at anything/ not buying -suken- kann kaana ; kann- eye; kaana- to see. rub against- sureai- uraaiya
*404.alone- tada- oththaiyaa
*405.agree with- tai- yaeththida ; letters is read more than once.
406.disagree- tagai- oththukaathu ; letters are read more than once.
*407.body- tai- thadi ; body = pothi ; puthai . of soldiers- tai- padai be pregnant- tai uikeru – karu uttru ; karu adaiya ; letters are jumbled; karu- baby /embryo .
410. great- tai- padu; padaa ; moatta .
*411.desire- tai –thaadai ; ettu.
412.peace- tai hei- amaithi
413.speaking in an arrogant manner- tai hei raka- thimiraka uraikka ; thimir- arrogance; uraikka- to speak.
414.Pacific Ocean- taiheikai –muthu kayam /sea
415.air- tai ki- kaaththu / wind; letters are in reversed order. go away / depart- tai kiyo- poaeiduka
*417.a drum- tai ko- udukkai ;thakkai; idakkai /a large double headed drum .
*418.tortoise shell- tai mai- aamai oaadu ; letters are jumbled; aamai- tortoise; oaadu -shell .
419.a drum maker- taiko hari- udukkai aakkukiravar ; letters are read more than once; udaukkai- drum ; aakku- make; aakkukiravar- maker. the belly- tai nai- thonthi / belly
421.callosity of hands- tako- thadikka; kai kaaiththida ; kai- hand; kaaiththida- to have callosity . kudi; letters are in reversed order;ida vakai ;ka= va; va= ka.
* burn- taki – thee iduka; thee- fire; iduka- make.
*424.piece of cloth- tan- thundu thuni ; thundu- piece; thuni- cloth .
*425.satisfied/ satiated - tanno- thaniya pluck off with hand- taori- koeithar ;aaithar .
*427.shield- tate- thatti
428.height used in measuring- tate- neettam erect- tate- naattu
* shut – tate- adaiththidu ; shut = saaththu .
* sharpen- tate- theettu
432.set up- tate- amaiththidu
* praise- tataye- thuthi
* praise- tatayeru- thuthiththar exchange- tate kayeta- maaththi kodu
* contend- tatakai – ethiththiduka
* fight- tatakai- thaakku
* be pounded- tatakai – idikka ; kuththuka; letters are in reversed order.
* strike- tataki - thaakku
* strike- tatakiita- thaakkidu
*440.beat- tataki – adikka ; adiththiduka .
441.beat- katsu- kottu / to beat the drum
*442.knock- tataki- thattuka; moathuka . break to pieces by pounding- tataki- idiththu udaiththu thundu thundaakku ; idi- pound ; udai- break; thundu- piece; letters are read more than once. fold- tatami- madi ; madi ; letters are in reversed order be folded- tatamari- madiththar; letters are jumbled.
446.floor mat- tatami- mithi adi; letters are in reversed order. stop- tatadzumi –thaduththidanum
*448.curse- tatari- thittuthar come to an end- tye- mudiya
* endure- tayeru- thodaru
* taye- thoo compare- tatoye-oppidu
453.urgently- tatte- udan adiyaa honour- tattobi – mathippu / honour
* be rocked /about in the waves- tayutai- aadida
456.path- te- thadam; paathai.
457.troops- te- padai
458.plan- te- thittam
459.plan- tadate- thittam
460.skill- te- thaatte ; letter is read more than once.
*461.tactics- tate- uththi agent- tedai- thoothan
464.stratagem – tedate- thoduppu
465.a concubine- tekake- kooththiya ; letters are in reversed order.
*466.distant- tedo- etta
*467.far/ distant - toiku- ettakka
468.clapping the hands- te bataki –kai yaei thattuka; letters are jumbled; kai- hand; thattuka- to clap.
*469.a small boat- temma- oaadam ten- andam/ universe; letters are in reversed order.
*471. father- tete- thathai; thanthai; aththaa; daddy.
*472.this- to- ethu
*473.that- to- athu to- ippoathu
475.when- to- eppoathu
*476.with- to- oaadu; udan.
477.ten- to- paththu
*478.door- to- thatti ; thoatti; thadai.
* reach- todoke- adaika ; adainthiduka .
*480.attain- todoki-adainthiduka; adaika .
* achieve- toge- adaika ; saathikka .
*482.obtain- toge- adaika complete – toge-mudikka
* effect- toge- thaakkam /effect make- todoke- seithiduka ;padaiththiduka .
486.curtain- tobari- thirai detain- todome- adaiththidanum stop -todome- thaduththidanum
* be rubbed smooth- toge- thaeikka
*490.sharpened- toge- theettuka
491.summit- tuge- mukadu ; letters are in reversed order. close/ shut- toji- adai close/ shut- tojiru – adaiththar close/ shut- tojita- adaiththidu close / shut- toji- saaththu; letters are in reversed order. sew- toji- thei sew- tojiru- theiththar /sewing sew- tojita- theiththidu
499.bed- toko- padukkai
*500. to take/ take off - tori- eduththar
501. catch- tori- pidiththar
*502.pluck off- tori- aaithar / pluck
* get /attain- tori- adaithar
* steal- toritta- thirudu
*505.street- tori- theru
506.manner- tori- maathiri
*507.arrive- torai- adaithar
508.a portal- torii- thuraiyam ; thirappu. dissolve- toroke- karaiththidu; letters are in reversed order.
510.disciples- totei- thondan
511.the next- tsugi- aduththathaaka
* uma- maa.
* unu- nee
*514.agreeable- urayaka- yaerkka /to agree
515.distressed- ureieita- edar ; letters are in reversed order.
516.buying and selling- uri kai- virkka/ selling
*517.rice- uruchi-arisi
* be moist- urumi- eeram
* die- useta- seththidu uta- paattu
521.poet- uta bito- paattu paadi ; letters are jumbled; pattu- song; paadi -singer ; paadu- sing. suspect- utagai- iyam adaika; iyam- suspicion; adaika- to have. sing- utai- paadu sing- utaiatta- paadidu suspect- utagai- iyam adaika; iyam- suspicion; adaika- to have.
526.lying down in any place to sleep- utatane- adainthida ; letters are jumbled.
527.respectable- utoku- mathaikka thakka ;letters are read more than once ; mathikka- to respect . live- watarai- vasiththar
529.home- yadu- veedu
530.a palace/ big house - yakata- koattam listen- uke tsuketa- kaathu koduththu kaetkka; letters s are read more than once; kaathu- ear ;kodu- give; kaetkka- to hear
532.a boat with a roof and handsome cabin -yakata – bune- kottakai punai ; kottakai – cottage; punai- boat . work- yarakashi- uruvaakku / work work- yarakashita- uruvaakkidu /to work
*535.difficult to get- ye gatai- adaiya kadinam ; letters are jumbled; adiaya- to attain; kadinam- difficult ;kidaikka kadaninam ; kidaikka- to get .
*536.dirt- yogore- karai
*537.dirty- yogore ta- karai udaiya cross the road- yogiri tta – kurukka kadaththar ; letters are jumbled and read more than once ; kurukku- cross; kadakka- to pass.
*539.alike/ similar- yona- onnu
*540.thin garment worn in summer- yukata- koadai aadai ; koadai- summer; aadai- dress.
*541.harlot- yo- kun- kanikai
* go- yuki- yaeku
* go- yukiita- yaekidu oil cloth - yu tan- ennai thuni ;ennai- oil; thuni- cloth.
545.abundance - yutaka- aathikkam
*546.rough to the feel/hear - zara zara- sor sora ppu
*547.abbreviation- mijikaku suru koto- mikaiyaei surukkiyathu ; mikai- excess; surukkiyadu- made short .
548.ability- doriyo- thiran
549.account- kanjo- kanakku kanjo kata- kanakku eduppu / accounting
*551.allot- ategau- othukku
*552.angry- ikaru- karuvu ; ka= va; va= ka. karuppu .
553.appetite- shoku- pasikka
553.anxiously- anjite – anjida /fearful
*554.apparel – kiru – koorai
*555.attire- mato- madi/ cloth
*556.appear- deru- theriya ;thoandra .
*557.apply- ategau -aththuka; iduka; appiduka ;thadauka; ka= va; va= ka.
*558.appropriate- ategau- thakka
559.aspect- muki- mukam
560. assault- utsu- adi
*561.assemble- yoseru- saeru
*562.attach- soyeru- saeru
563.attachement- shujaku- - saekkai ; full form is saerkkai .
*564.connect- soyeru- saeru
*565.assist- tetsudau- oththaasai seithidu ; oththasai- help; seithidu- do ;assist [E] - oththaasai seithidu; letters are jumbled. de-idaththu
*567.attain- todoku- adaika
*568.attain- itaru- adaithar
*569.bandage- hakutai- kattu
570.ban- hatto- thadai
*571.below/ beneath -otoru -adiyir
*572.before- maye ni- mun
573. before- omotoni – munnaadi; letters are jumbled.
* board- kuro ita -karu attai ; karu- black.
* boil- waku- vaeka
576.bony- honeppoi- enpu ; bone[E] = enpu; letters are in reversed order.
577.boy- koduzukai- kodukkan /son
578.bundle- taba- pothi ; letters are in reversed order.
579.brothel- kutsuwaya- kooththiyaa kudi ; kooththiyaa- prostitute; kudi- house; letters are read more than once.
*580.carve- kiru- keeru
581.climb- yojiru – yaeru
* close- tateru- adaiththar
*583.closely- kataku- kittakka / nearby
584.cloth- tammono- thuni mani ; letters are jumbled. clothe- matou- madi uduththu ; madi- cloth; uduththu- to wear ; mundu uduththu ; moodu- to cover kumo- konmu
*587.collect- yoseru- saeru
*588.combination- au koto- koottu
589.compact- katai- kattimai ; kachchitham . compare- tatoyeru – oppu iduthar
*591.condition- kado - ak-kuththu ; kidappu ; kathi .
592.constipation- hi ketsu- kutha kattu ; kutham- rectum .
593.constitution- seitai – sattam ; satta amaippu . tate kata – kattidam kattu ; letters are jumbled; kattidam- building; kattu- to build.
595.dancer- odori- ko – kooththadiyar; letters are jumbled.
*596.defect- kidzu- koathu; koththai
*597.declare /disclose - arawasu - arivui
*598.detriment- kidzu- kaedu
*599.detain- osayeru- sirai sei /imprison; sirai- prison.
*600.earthenware- seto mono- munn satti ; letters are jumbled; munn- soil/ clay ; satti – pot .
*601.earthenware- mamben- munn paanai ; paanai- pot.
602.earthenware- amaneku -munn- kinnam ; munn- soil; kinnam- cup / bowl
603.eliminate- nozoku- neekku
*604.eradicate- nuku- neekku
605.erect- tateru- naattuthar
606.enact- tateru - aanai iduthar
607.enact- sadameru- sattam iyattru
*608.enactment- sadame- sattam ; sattam idu ; sattam sei.
609.endure- tayeru- neediththu eru
610.enemy- kataki- kandakan
*611.eye- gan- kann
*612.entirely- mattaku- moththamaaka
613.excuse- mendzure- manniththar
*614.evacuate- kudaru -akattru
*615.youth/ youthful- osanai- sinna
616.womb- kobukuro- karu pai akam ; letters are jumbled; aru pai- womb ; karu- embryo- pai- bag ;akam- internal organ .
617.wood- takigi- kattai ; letters are in reversed order.
618.whip- utsu- saattai adi; saattai- whip; adi- to beat; letters are in reversed order. watch- ukagau- kavanikka ; ka= va; va= ka.
620.water- midzu- mithadi ; amuthuam .
621.jar- kame- kinnam / bowl – funa ji- payanam sei ; payanam- travel; sei- make.
623.violent- ikatsui- vaun kodiya ; ka= va; va= ka.
624.violate- motoru- meeridu ; letters are jumbled.
625.victorious- kachitaru – kottram ; vaakai sooduthar ; vettri ; ka= va; va= ka.
626.vacancy- aida- idam
627.urge- kudoku- kadavuka ; ka= va; va= ka.
628.untie- hodoku- avuththiduka ; ka= va; va= ka.
629.unitedly- sorote- saernthu
630.undertaking- koto- kai kondidu
631.uncle- ojisan- machchaan / uncle’s son
632. twinkling – matataku na – minu minuththiduka ; letters are jumbled.
633.trouble- kuro – kuraivu; ka=va ; va-=ka; kirichcham .
*634.trickle- jita jita suru – sottu sotta soriya /sura ; sotttu- drop.
*635.toast- aburu – pori/ fry
636.three- mi- moonu
*637.throw- heru- eri
*638.take- toru- eduththar
* mono woiu- munavu
* katari- kathaiththar
* kotoba- kathaippu
*642.tea pot- cha bin – chaayaa paanai ; paanai- pot.
*643.taste- ajiwai- suvai
644.task- shigoto- kadamai
645.thicket- odoro- puthar
*646.that- to- athu
* support- kotayeru- kai koduththar ; kai- hand; kodu- give.
* support- motsu -muttu ; muttu thaa.
* supply- atayeru- thara
*650.supplication- kito – kai edu; koadiththidu .
651.sun- taiyo- aathiththan ; thaaman ; Aten [Egypt] ; root word is thee- fire.
652.sun- sarasu- sooriya ; soori; sooran ; naayiru ; root word is ’Ra’ .
* submit- kudaru- koduththar
* stretch- todoku-- neettikka
655.strict- katai – kadumai
656.strictly- kataku - kadumaiyaaka
657.spit- tsubaki- echchi thuppuka ; letters are jumbled; echchi- saliva; thuppuka- to spit.
*658.spotless- kegarenu- karai inmai ;karai- stain;inmai-without. odoke- aadukai
*660.sort- tori- tharam
661.spear [ v] – tsuku- eetti yeithiduka ;eetti- spear; yeithiduka- to discharge.
662.spear- yari- arann
663.soldier- samurai- maaran
664.society- kumi- kumukayam ; letters are read more than once.
*665.smite- tataku- adikka ; adiththiduka.
*666.slap- tataku – thattuka
*667.slice- kire- keeru; kooru .
668.sir- sama- saami shut- tatamu -moodu ; letters are in reversed order.
670.side- kata- konthu
671.side- hotori- thiram
672.shape- kata- vadi ; ka= va; va= ka.
673.shape- katachi- sattakam ; letters are in reversed order.
674.severe- kitsui- kadumai
675.severely- kitsuku –kadumaiyaaka
*676.semen- tane- thanni / water
678.scheme- tedate- thittam
679.scene /scenery - keshiki - kaatchchi kaana ; kaatchchi- scene; kaana- to see.
* uriguchi – virkka / to sell
681.rob- toru - thirudu /steal.
682.robber/thief- dorobo- thirudar ; letters are read more than once .
*683.rigid body – katai -kattai
684.region- tochi- thisai ; thaesam ; thinai .
685.receipt- cho dai- oppu seettu ;receipt = pattru seettu ; letters are jumbled ; raseathu .
686.raven- karasu- karu vaakam ; ka= va; va= ka.
*687.rage- ikaru- karu karukka ; ukkiram
*688.rage- ikidori- kothiththar
*689.raft- ikada- kadaththu/ boat
*690.qualification- tekito- thakuthi
*691.qualified- tekito- thakuthi udaiya
*692.put- ateru- iduthar
*693.pulsate- odoru – thudiththar
*694.prostitute- baita- potti
*695.pour- deru- uooththuthar
*696.pick- toru- eduththar
697.pierce- tsuku- theikka
*698.perplexity- towake- thikaikka / perplexed
699.passion- jo- aasai
*700.pad- ate- attai
*701.paddy- ine- uoon
*702.ox- kotoi- kottiyam
*703.original- moto no- muthan
*704. originally- motoyori- muthar
*705.origin- moto- moodu
*706.ordinance- sadame- sattam
706.nod- unadzuku- mandai yaei aattka; mandai- head; aattuka- to shake.
*707.noise- oto- oaathai
*708. make noise- sawagu- oaasai seika; oaasai- noise; seika- make.
709.monk- so/ osho- saami
*710.monkey- saru- sirai
711.mind- omoi- manam
712.mind- zonen- nenju ; letters are in reversed order.
713.mince- tataku- thundaakku
714.marriage- yome dori- thiru manam ; letters are jumbled.
715.marry- metoru- manam mudiththar
716. marry off a daughter- katadzukeru- katti koduththar ; letters are read more than once.
* kanau- kaana /to meet soto naru- santhiththar ; letters are jumbled.
719.metal- kane- kanimam
720.mace- jittei- thadi/club
*721.mad- kurui – kirukku
*722.made- shita- seithathu
723.luck- ketai- koduppinai
724. leprosy- kattai- kuttam ; kodoiya noaei ;kodiya- severe/ grave; noaei- disease; leprosy= perum nasal; letters are jumbled; periya- big; nasal - disease .
*725.leap- odoru- thaththuthar; paaithar.
*726.large- futoi- padaa
*727. law- nori- neri seito- sattam
729. lance- yari- yeri eetti ; eriya- to throw; eetti- lance/ spear
*730.lance [ v]- yari de tsuku - yeri eetti yaei yeithiduka ;eri eetti- lance- yeithidu- to discharge .
731. justice- do- thaaththu ; neethi; nadu.
*732.justice- ri- erai; aram.
733.job- shigoto- kattu
injury- kidzu –kaayam adaiya. / to get injured. sumi- maei
735.incision- kiru koto- kaththi yaar keeru ; letters are jumbled; kaththi- knife ; keeru- incise .
736.incite- odateru – thoonduthar
*737.impure- mazetta- maasu adaiya
*738.imprint- osu- achchu
739. illustrate- toku- eduththu kaattu ; letters are read more than once.
*740.illustrate- tato yeru- eduththu urai
* do- yaethu ; eppadi. moving- watamashi- veettai maaththida ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once.
* ke- akam / home
744.hotly- atsuku- soodaaka ;letters are jumbled .
745. hotness- atusa- soodu ; letters are in reversed order.
746. hose- tabi- thoombu / tube
*hook- kagi- kokki
*747.hook [ v] – kagi de kaku- kokki idu ka ; kokki- hook . koko- inkkae
*749.hit- ateru- adiththar ; idiththar .
*750.hill- koyama - kamai
*hear- kiku- kaekka
*751.heart- ki- akam
752.head- atama- mudi ; maedu ; mandai ; letters are in reversed order.
753.harp- koto- koattu vaaththiyam / a kind of harp ; ka= va; va= ka.
754.harmful- doku na – theenkku ; letters are jumbled.
*755.grow- hayeru- uyaru; yaeru.
*756.gossip- kuchitataki –kisu kisuththidukai ; gossip [ E] = kisu kisuppu ; letters are read more than once; root word is kaathaoadu kaathaai ; kaathu- ear.
giddy- kurumeku- kirakkam ; letters are jumbled.
* ataye- thaththi; thaayam ;thanam [Skt]
*give- atayeru- thara
758.genealogy - ketto- kudi vazhi ; kodi vazhi .
759.garrison- katame- koattai thaanayam
* gain- itaru – adaithar; eettuthar .
*761.front- mukau- mukappu
762.fracture- oru- muriya / to get fractured
*763.foul- kitanai- kaedaana
764.flaw- kidzu-kuththam
765.flat- madzui- mattam
*766.find- ataru- thaeduthar ; letter ‘ t’ is read more than once.
767.ferry- watsu - voaadam
768.ferry- wataru- thurai woadam kataku- kada kada nnu
770.fasten- tozasu- mudichchu idu
face-mukau mukam
771.child- isshi- saei /infant; sisiu.
772.partnership- kyoudou kumai – koottu pankaanmai
773.a particular- shikaru- kurippu
774. a roar- ikkatsu – kanaiththidu / neigh ; kathhtidu/ shout .
775.a shout- hitkoe- oaasai iduka ; oaasai- noise; iduka- make.
*776.a smoke- ippuku- pukai
*777.a smattering – kata koto- kaththu kutti / an young scholar /smatterer; letters are read more than once.
*778.a work- saku- seikai
*779.abrasion- surikizu- siraaikka
*780.abridgement- shouraku- surukkam
*781.abuse- akuhei- yaekkai
782.abusive language – akutai- kadiththida kanakkaayan ; letters are jumbled;kanakku -accounts .
*784.accumulate- shuuseki - saekka
785.acquisition- kakutoko- kai adaika ; kai paththuka .
* akuta- kooththadi
787.actress- akutoresu -kooththiyaa kaari ; letters are read more than once.
788.adaptation - douka – thakaivu ; ka= va; va= ka.
789.admiration- suuhai- mechchu
790.adoption- saitaku- thaththu edukka
791. again and again – mata mata- meendum meendum
*792.agent- douin- thoothan
793.agreement- gitei- kattimai
*794.ahead- maeni- munnae
*795.all together- ikkatsu- kootaa ; koodi .
*796.alliance- gattai – koottu ; koottani
797. alternatively- tokkaehikkae – maaththaakaa
*798.altitude- koudo – kuththu-k- koadu ;letters are read more than once.
*799.amalgamation- goudou- koottu
800.ambidextrous/ person - ryoutekiki –eru kai / erattai kai inai thiran ; letters are jumbled; eru- two; ersttai- twin; kai- hand- inai- equal; thiran- skill.
801.ancient city – koto- koattam/ city
802.answer- kaitou/ gaitou - vidai kodu/ to answer ;ka= va; va= ka; vidai- answer; kodu-give.
803.affection- jiai- aasai ; paasam; pasai .
804.affection- onjou- anpu
805.affectionate- yasu- aasaiyaa ; paasam
806.archipelago- tatokai- theevu thokuppu ; theeva- island; ka= va; va= ka.
807.architecture- akitekucha- kattita kalai ; kattu- build; kattidam- building; kalai- science.
*807.arm hole of the shirt- sodetsuke – sattai kkai ; sattai- shirt; kai- sleeves / hand.
*808.armpit- ekika- kakkam ; axilla= akkul ; kai- arm; kuzhi- pit .
*809.arrow- ya- yei
*810.arse – ketsu- kutham /anus ; kutha oaattai/ arse hole ; oaatai- hole.
*811.arse- oshiri- sooru
812.arsehole- kusotare- kutha sudeeram; sudeeram- hole; letters are jumbled.
*813.arrowroot- kuzu- koovai; ka= va; va= ka.
* before- motodoori- motha maathiri
*815.ashes- haigara- kari
*816.ask for- kikuyu- kaekka
*817.aspect- muki – mukam
818.assembly- kumitate- koottam/ kuttam ; letters are jumbled.
819. assimilation- douka- thanathaakku
*820.association- kyoudou- koottam ; koottu.
* a distance- tooku -ettakka
822.audibility – kachoudo- kaetkka thakka ; letters are read more than once; kaetkka- to hear . distance- kachoukyori- kaekkira seimai ; saeimai- distance.
824.audience- kikite- kaetkkum / kaanum koottam ; letters are read more than once; kaetkka- to hear ; kaana- to see; koottam- crowd.
825.auditor- kansayaku- kanakkuaayan
826.auditorium- kodou – koottam koodum koodam ; letters are read more than once; koottam- meeting; koodu- to assemble; koodam- hall.
827.auditing- kaikeikansa- kanakku kaana ;kanakku- accounts; kaana- to see. youji- saei
*829.powder- pauda- podi
830.back door- urakido – pura kathavu ; kathavu- door; ka= va; va= ka.
831.back street- ura doori – pura theru ;theru- street.
832.bad boy- akudou – kettavan / kodiyavan - bad person; ka= va; va= ka; ketta- bad .
833.bad boy- akutarou- kettavar/ kodiyoar - bad persons
*834.bad character- akutama- ketta kunam; letters are read more than once; kunam- character.
835.bathe- nyuuyoku- nanaikka/ to soak
836.bathing- mokuyoku- munkka; mukku / immerse bent- kou- kuni ; koon . burdened with- seou- sumai crowned with- tai- mudi soottu
* delayed- temadoru- thamatham ura
841. be crushed- kujikeru- kasakkuthar / crushing
* found- kentou- kandida heavy hearted- kiga moi- manam kanakka ; letters are jumbled; manam- mind; kanakka- to be heavy . frightened- bikkuri- yaekkeri
* lonely- ta- oththaiyaa ; letter is read more than once ;thaniyaa.
846.beat fast- doki doki –kada kada nnu thuddikka ; letters are jumbled; kada kada – fast; thudikka- to throb.
846.beautification- bika- punaika /to beautify
* bi- pai; poo.
848. beauty- karei- kaarikai / a beauty
849. beauty- beppin- punai; baanu ; panppu ; letters are jumbled.
850. beautiful woman- beppin- baanu
*851.brooklet- sairyuu- siriya aaru ;siriya- small; aaru- river.
852.brightness- akari- kurumai; kiranam .
*853.brightness- kidu- kaattu ; kadi .
*854.breast- chichi- paachchi ;susi .
855.breast- buresuto- perisu aayida/ becoming bigger; perisu- big; aayida- to become ; peruththa madi ; peruththa- big; madi- breast .
856.bread- pan- poanam/ food
857.breach- toppakou- udaippu edukka; letters are jumbled; udaippu- breach.
*858.braid- ben- pinnu
859.both sides- ryouwaki- iru pakkam ; iru- two; pakkam- side.
860.both wings- ryouyoku – iru siraku ; iru- two; siraku- bird’s wing .
861.both legs- ryoukyaku- iru kaar ;iru- two; kaar- legs; letters are jumbled.
*862. both hands- ryoute- iru thaa- thaa- hand; iru- two.
*863.both eyes- ryougan- iru kann ; kann- eye.
864.bones- kosshi- akku
*865.body- shitai- sattai ;jadam [Skt] .
866.blushing- choukou- kannam sivakka; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka; kannam- cheek; sivakka- to become red.
*867.blackish/dark- kuroppoi- karuppaa
*868.blacken- kuromaru – karumai ura
black person- kuronbo- karuppan; letters are jumbled. mole- kuro aza – kari machcham ; machcham- mole. iris- kurome- karumai eeri ; letter ‘r’ is read more than once eeri- iris . figures- kuroko- karu uru/uruvam ; uru- figure; ka= va; va= ka. eyes- kuromo – karu mani/ black pupil clouds- kuro kumo – karu konmu ; kaar mukir; letters are jumbled.
* cloth- kuroji- kariya koorai ; karu- black; koorai- cloth
* ant- kuroari- karunk-k-araiyaan a black kind of white ant; kariya- black; karaiyan – white ant . burakku- karuppu ; letters are in reversed order.
*877.deep black- kuroguro- karu karu nnu
*878.dark- mei- maei
879.dark night- yamiyo- yamam; saamam ; root word is maei .
880.benefit- ontaku- payan adaika / to get benefitted; payan- benefit; adaika- to have.
881.begging- kojiki- kenjuka
*882.calculating- kanjoudakai- kaniththidukai ;kanakkidukai ; letters are jumbled.
883.calculation- kanjou- kani ; calculate[E] [ - ka- la - ka - la - the- ]= ennkallal kankkidu thal ;enn- numerical number; kanakkidu- count.
884.calculation- santei- ennidu
885.calculation- sanyou- ennu
886.calculautor- keisanki- kanakki
* kigurou- akkarai ; care[E] = akkarai .
888.carelessly- ukkari- akkarai inmai ; inmai- without.
* kuttaku- kaaththidukai
890.carelessness- katai- kuthanai -k- kaedu ; letters are read more than once.
*891.carving and polishing- choutaku -sethukku/carve; theettuka/ polish.
*892.cave- kuudou- kudavu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*893.cave- hora- arai
*896.ceremonial sword- gitou- kaththi /sword/ knife
*897.ceremony – giten- kadan
*898.chapel- kaidou- koattam
*899.charring- kuroyake- karukka ; kaiyaakka ; kari- soot .
*890.clatter- gatagata- kada kada
891.clattering noise- batabata- pattu pattu nu
*892.cleanness- toumei- thooimai
* kuri ningu- karai yaei neekku ; karai- dirt; neekku- remove.
894.clever- kiten- kediyan /clever fellow; ketti thanam / cleverly.
895.clever- rikou- arivu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*896.clothes- itai- udai ;adai .
897.cloth-tanmono- thuni mani
898.come down- rakka- erankku
899.combine- gattai –koodu; koottu .
*900.coming- ourai- vara
*901.cutting- katto -kaathu ; vettu; ka= va; va= ka.
*902.cutting- kiritori – keeruthar
*903.cut- kire- keeru
*904.cutter- katta – koththi; vetti ; ka= va; va= ka.
905.customs- zoku – sunkkam
906.cry- hitogoe-kaththuka ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’ .
907.crowded- kamitsu- koottamaa ; letters are jumbled.
*908.crossing- kato- kada; kadakka.
*909.create- seisei- sei
*910.creating- sakusei – seikai
*911.count- kaunto- kaniththidu ; count= kaniththidu .
*912.cottage- kott ji- kottakai = cottage
*913.corps- butai- padai /army
*914.copy- sha- achchu
*915.cooperative system- kyoudoutai- koottu udaimai
916.condemned person- keito- kanndi /to condemn
917.concentration on- keitou- kuviththidu ; ka= va; va= ka; kavaniththidu .
*918.comprehension- ryokai- arikai
*919.completely ripe/ mature- kanjuku - kani yaaka
910.convent- amadera- thuraviyar madam; letters are jumbled; thuravi- monk; madam- house.
*911.compensation- teate- eedu ; letter is read only once; eedu thaa /give compensation ; thaa- give .
*912.comparing with- hitteki – oththikkai / comparing kyoutsuu- ina koottam ; letters are jumbled ; sana- k-koottam.
*914.harm- gaidoku – kedukka /to harm
*915.harm- kataki- kedukka/ to harm
*916.harm- ada- theethu / harm
917.harlot- yuujo- vaesi
918.happy- yukai- ukavai ; ka- va; va= ka.
919.hand towel- tenu gui – kai thundu ; letters are jumbled; kai- hand; thundu- towel .
920.hand weaving- teori- neither / weaving
921.half ripe- hanka- senkkaai ke- sikai
923.hades- naraku- narakam
*924.grove of trees- kodachi- kaadu
925.grief- aware- aaravaaram ; letters are jumbled.
926.grief- ukime- anukkam
927.grief- yuuseki- soakam
928.grasp- etoku - pidikka
929.grappling- kakutou- kavu- vida ; ka= va; va= ka.
930.grains- kokurui- kuruni ; grain[E} = kuruni . kin- kanam ; kanaku . gorudo- karunthanam ; karunthathu ; thathu[? Skt] - metal .
933.goat- yagi- kam
*934.gloomy- kurai- karukka
935.glance- hotome- noattam
936.glance- ikken- kaana ; noakka ; letters are in reversed order.
937.girl- garu- kaarikai
*938.fruit- kinomi – kani
939.fruits and vegetables- seika- pachchai-k- kaai kani ; pachchaikkaai- green vegetables; kani- fruit .
*940.gang- kyoutou- koottam
*gift- atae- itti ;thaththi; letter is read more than once.
* butokai- paadi aadukai ; padu- sing; aaduka- to dance.
* floor- odori ba- aadra tharai ; aadu- dance- tharai- floor. iemoto- aattam- letters are in reversed order.
944.dancer- odorika- aadukiravar ; ka= va; va= ka ; kooththadiyar ; letters are jumbled.
*945.dancing- koodori- kooththaaduthar
*946.dancing- butou- paadi aadu- paadu- to sing; aadu-to dance; aaattam paattam ; attam- dancing; paattu- song . music- butoukyoku- isai paattu paadi aaduka ; isai paattu- music ;paadu- to sing; aaduka- to dance.
*948.dancing or jumping in joy – koodori – kuthiththu aaduthar ; kuthi/ kuthiththar - jump; aaduthar- dancing.
*949.danger- kitai- kaedu ; keduthi .
950.dart- shuriken- sirukam
951.death- takai- madikai
952.death- poa- poa/ to go /die
*953.death by shooting- juusatsu- suttu seththida; letters are read more than once; sudu- shoot ; seththidu- die.
*954.dam- en- anai ; dam[E] = madai ; letters are in reversed order.
955.damage- itami- saetham
*956.deformity- katawa- kaedu
957.degenerating- da- sithaiya
*958.distant- utoi- etti
*959.distress- kitai – ikatttu ; kaetham
*960.distress- itami – aththaayam ; yaetham .
*961.distress- urei – urai
962.distress- kinan- kinnam ; kunukkm.
963.divine punishment- tenkei- thandikkai / punishment; letters are jumbled.
*964.division- wakedori- vakuththar
*965.dizziness- kuar kura- kiru kiru nnu for real- jideiku- seithiduka /do
967.does not have- nai- inmai / nil / no
968.dress- fuutei- udai ; patti /cloth ; puttam/ cloth ; padaam / cloth
969.dressing- houtai- udai uduththu / to wear; udai- dress; uduththu- to wear.
970.dressed in kimono- kimono sugata – kimono kattiya ; kattiya ; dressed; kattu- dress; kanjikai kattiya ; kanjikai - garment.
*971.drinker- kodora-kudiyar
971.drinker- oodora- maduthar
972. drip drip- bota bota- sotta sotta
*973.dripping- shitatari- sottuthar
974.drinking water- inryousui- neer /water
*975.drum- kotekitai -kodu kotti / kidu kitti -a kind of drum.
*976.drum- taiko- udukkai
*977.drumming- kotsu kotsu –kottu kottu; kottu- drum; kottu- to beat.
*978.Japanese drum- wadaiko- udukkai
979.duke- kou- koamaan ; koa- king ; koan / khan .
980.dugout canoe- maru ki bune - mara kudaivu punai ; maram- timber /tree ; kudaivu- to make hollow ; puni- boat .
*981.dwarf- kobito- kuttai -yan
* koudo- kuththi
983.economy- sekken- sikkanam/ economical saving
*984.edge- hata- ottu
985. eight- eito- ettu
*986.elder brother- kakei- kaakkaiyan
987.emperor- ninnou- maa mannan; mannan- king; maa mannan- emperor.
988.emperor- kami- koamaan
*989emperor- kan- koan ; khan .
*990.enmity- ada- thoo
*equal- doutou- oththa
*991.escape- toubou- thappi ; thappiththidu ;thappiththu oaadu ; letters are jumbled.
992.evil course- akudou- keduthi /evil ; ketta thadam; thadam-course .
*993.excessive profit- bouri- perum paeru ; letters are read more than once ; paeru- profit; periya- big.
*994.extinction- shouto- seththida/ died
*995.face- men- munnai
*996.face- omokage- moakkai
*997. faction- kaiha- kai
* katei- kudi hardship- katoku- kudi kastam ; kudi koadu ; koadu- hardship ; letters are read more than once.
* in mourning- souka- soakam /sadness/ mourning
1001.famine- futtei- pattini
* property- atome- udaimai / property
*far- tooi – etti ;etta .
*far away- tooku – ettakka
father- chichi- achchan
*1003.father- fubo- appaa
1004. father- otokooya- thakappan
*1005.fault- shittai- soththi
*1006.fault- ayamachi- machchu
1007.fearfully- uzouzo- achchamaa
1008.feeling shocked/ startled- dokiri- thidukkiduthar ; letters are jumbled.
*1009.ferry- kata- kadaththu
*1010.few- kinshou- konjam
1011. fictional- kasetsu – kathai/ fiction
*1012.field- bunya- pann
*fight- sentou- sandai
*fight- tatakai- thaakku
* figure- keitai- koadu
1013. figure- body- taikei-
*fighting- shura- seru
*1014. fire- kaki- akki
* tekitou- thakuthi
* furai- para /to fly
* iryou- irai
* meshi- misai shokuryou- pusi karam
1020.foolishness- dou- madamai
1021.forehead- hitai- neththi
1022.fragrance- kouki- konkku
1023.fragrance-kaori- kuravu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*1024.frame- shatai- sattam
*1025.frame- waku- vaku
1026.freezing- reitou- urainthida
1027.fried- karaage- varukka ; ka= va; va= ka.
1028.from the beginning- motoyori – muthar /beginning
1029.hazardous- kiwadoi- kaedu kodukkum ; letters are read more than once.
1030.heavy taste- kudoi – kaattam
*1031.heavy – tadai- thadiththa ; edai udaiya .
*1032.heavy blow- mouda- moththu
*1033.heavy hit- mouda- moatha
* tetsuda- oththaasai seithidu ; oththaasai - help- seithidu – do.
*1035.high fever- kounetsu- kaainthida / fever
*1036.hill- kyuuryou- kar/stone ; karuni ; giri ; root word is kar/ stone.
1037.hill country- kuuryo chitai kurinchchi naadu ; kurunchchi- hill; naadu- country.
*1038.hit- ouda- adi
*1039.home / parents- seika / jikka – saaikai / house
1040.household- katei- kudiththanam
1041. hunger- kiga- kaaika
*1042.hurdle- hadoru- idar
*1043. hut- karigoya- koorai akam / thatched home; giraha.
*1044.i-en- naan
1045. hypothesis- katei- koat paadu
1046.I think- dearou- ennuthar /thinking
*1047. ideal- sairyou- seermai
*1048.identical- douyou- oththa
1049.important- omotai- muthanmai
1050. intense- kitsui- kadumai
1051. intensity- kyoudo – kadumai
1052. intention- naii- enn; ennam
1053.intention- kokoro zashi- kuri
1054. intoxication- meiti- matai adi
*1055.iron- kurogane- karun-k-kanimam ;karu- black ;kanimam- metal .
*1056. jazz- jazz- isai
*1057.jeopardy- kitai- kaedu
1058.joining the cabinet- nyuuaku- inaika / join
*1059.joint- kyoudou- koottu
1060. joint account- kyoudou keisan- koottu kanakku ; kanakku- account.
*1061.jump- kyuutou- kuthi
1062. injection- chuusha- uoosi ; sooji [Malayalam ]
1063.karate /empty hand / Chinese - karate -kayir yaethi/ aaitham yaethum inmai – without arms in the hand ; kai- hand; yaethi- weapon ; inmai- without .
1064. killing- satsugai- saaiththidukai; saadukai; sithaikka .
*1065.kill- uchitoru- sithaiththar ;saaduthar .
1066.kill- ryuu- uooru ; letters are in reversed order.
1067.kindness- koni- kaenmai daidokoro- aduppaan-k-karai ;aduppu- oven .
knowing- ryouchi- ariya
1069.knowledge- kokoroe- karppu
1070.Kyoto city – Kyoutoshui – koattam/ city
1071.laziness- kyuutai- kadaa thanmai
1072.learning- shuudou -padi ; shuudou= study [E ].
1073.learning- shuutoku- padikka up- teikei- inaiththiduka
1075.liquor- rika- sarakku
1076. listener- kikite- kaathu koduththu kaetppoan ; kaathu- ear; kodu- give ;kaettidu- to hear ; kaetppoan- one who hears.
*1077.log- maruta – mara thadi ; maram- tree; thadi- timber.
*1078.look-kan- kaana /to look ;kann- eye .
1079. looking on- boukan- paakka ; kann paakka ; kann- eye; pakka- to look ;letters are jumbled.
*1080.lookout- bourou- paaru
*1081.looks- koadachi- kaatchchi / looks/ look
*1082.lord- shu- saei
1083. love- ji- aasai koi- kaamam sickness- koiyami- kaama noaei ; noaei- sickness .
*1086.integration- tougou- thokai
* seems kike- douyara- theriya ;theriyuthu .
*1088.jail sentence- taikei- adaikka/ lock up
*1089.joining- nyuukai- inaikai
1090.joining a political party- nyuutou- inainthida/ joining
1091.just under- tarzu- adiyir / under
1092.justice- koudo- kadam
1093.kindling- takigi- thoonduka/ induce; thee moottuka / make fire; thee- fire.
1094.lamb- ramu- mari ; letters are in reversed order ; ram= mari
1095.lamb’s wool- ramuu ru –mari mayir- mayir- hair/fleece.
1096.last farewell- eiketsu- kadaisiyaa vidai kodukka ; ka= va; va= ka ; letters are read more than once; kadaisi- last/ final; vidai kodu- to send off raivu- iru ; uraiya ;letters are in reversed order .
*1098.long walk- endou – neenda nadai ; neenda- long; nadai- walk .
* poem- koiuta -kaama kavithai ; kaamam- love ; kavithai- poem.
1100.low grade- katou- kadai tharam ; kadai mattam; kadai padi .
1101.low intelligence- teinou- mathi inmai ; mathi- intelligence; inmai- without.
1102.main- omodatta- muthanmai udaiththu
*1103.main street- omote doori- muthanami theru
*1104.making- shitate- seithidu ; seiththathu .
1105.malignancy- akuseido- kodiya
*1106.malice- warugi- verukkai
1107.malice- akui- pakai
man- jin- aan ninnin- aan/ man
1109.manufacturing- kakou- aakku
1110.marriage contract- ensadame- nichchaiyam seithida / to confirm ; letters are jumbled.
*1111.massive- omotai- moatta; moathappu .
1112.meat dish- ni kuryouri - kari uoon ; kari- meat; uoon- food; letters are jumbled.
*1113.mental- mentaru- manathaar
*1114.metal- kane- kanimam ; root word is kan /stone.
*1115.middle- midoru- mayaththir
*1116.mild- mairudo- miruthu
1117.mind- nento- manathu
*1118.mistake- katai- kuththam
1119.mistake in speaking- kotoyama ri- urai yir kuththam ; urai- speech ;kuththam- mistake; letters are jumbled.
1120.mist- kiri- pukaar
*1121.mix- gotta- koottu
*1122.monkey- seiyuuki- sokkan
1123.more- gutto- mikuthi
1124.neglect- kyuutai - kai vida; ka= va; va= ka.
1125.neigh of horse- inanaki- kanaikka; letters are in reversed order.
1126. news- otosata- seithi idu/ thaa ; seithi- news; thaa- give. tsuide-aduththathu
*1128.nicely- manmato- menmai udaiya
1129.noodle- nudoru – nothu noor ; nothu nool/ noodle .
*1130.nothing- nanimono – onnum inmai
*1131.nothing- nani goto- onnum kidaiyaaathu
1132. of no use- fuyou- payan inmai; payan- use; inmai- nil.
1133.offer- teikyou –padaikka
1134. old sword- kotou – kaththi/ sword.
1135.old ceremonial dress- so kutai- koadi ; kuttai / cloth
1136.omen- choukou- sakunam ; sokinam; soosakam ; omen[E] = munnam .
* bundle- ikkatsu –oththa kattu; oththa- one; kattu- bundle; letters are jumbled.
* hand- katate- oththa -k- kai- oththai- one; kai- hand; letters are jumbled.
* layer- hitoe- oththai yaedu ; oththai- one; yaedu- layer; letter is read more than once.
* lump- ikkatsu – oththi katti ; oththi- one; katti- lump ; letters are jumbled.
1141.only a little- itten – iththinondu ; iththanaiththan ; letters are read more thana once.
1142.ophthalmology- gan ka- kann noavu ; ka= va; va= ka ; kann- eye; noavu- disease .
1143.opposition- tekitai – ethiththiduka; letters are jumbled; oththukkathu /dis agree .
*1144.opposition- tai- yaethadai ; thattu; thadai ;attam .
*1145.opposition- teikou- ethikka
*1146.ordinary clothes- beni- punai/ cloth
*1147.origin- dedoko- thudakkam
*originally- moto moto- motha motha
*1148.oscillation- shindou- asainthida
1149.ossification- kakotsu- aakku aayida ;akku- bone .
1150.owl- fukurou- pakar kurudu ; pakar- day; kurudu- blind; letters are read more than once.
*1151.packing- fuutai- pothiya
1152.pagoda- pagoda- koattam
*1153.pain- kutsuu- kuththa ; kudaiya ; pain [E] = pini / disease
1154.pain- itami- sattiyam
1155.parents- futaoya- peththa thaai thathai ; peththa/paththu eduththa - beget ; thaai- mother; thathai- father; letter ‘t’ is read more than once.
1156.park- pa ku- kaa
1157.parody/song - kaeuta- pakadi
1158.parting of hair - wakeme- vaaku
*1159.passing an examination- kyuudai- kadakka
*1160.path- keiro- kiri
*1161.peak- mine- munai /tip
*1162.peak- sakari- sikaram
*1163.peak- choujou- uchcham
1164.peacock- kujaku- kaekayam
1165.pearls- shippou- muththu sippi / mother of pearl
1166.perception- kichi- kaatchchi
1167.picking up- shoutoku- edukka
1168.pitching- toukyuu- pathikka tou- idam /a place ; idu/ to place.
*1170.polish- togu- thaeikka ;thudaikka; theettuka .
*1171.political party- koutou- katchchi
1172.potter- toukou- vaetkoa ; ka= va; va= ka.
1173.potter’s wheel- ro kuro- kuyavar kuri ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka; kuyavar- potter; kiri- wheel.
1174.prediction- kanegoto- kaniththiduka; kanakkidu ; letters are jumbled.
*1175.prediction- yogen- kani
*1176.prisoner- keito- kaithi ; root word is adaikka/ to confine/ lock up . increase- ruika- uyaruka / increase
1178.prostitute- keikoku- kanikai
*1179.queen like- joourashi- arasi yaa ; arasi- queen .
*1180.quickly- satto- sattu nu
1181.rack- dai – thattu
*1182.rare- rea- ariya
1183.rearing- boudachi- paaththida
1184.registration- touki- pathikka
*1185.research- risa chi- aaraaichchi
*1186.resistance- tegotae- ethukka
1187.response- outou- vidai
1188.retreat- taikyaku- othukkam
1189.revival- ribaibaru -uyirpiththar
*1190.rice field- ta- thadi
1191.rice planting- taue- naaththu nada
*1192.rising- ryuuki- yaerukai; uyarukai
*1193.rites -shigiten –sei kadan
1194.rot- fukyuu- uoosi poaka
1195.rotation -jiten- suththu ; suththanum / to rotate.
*1196.ruined- katanashi- kaedaana
1197.running away from home- iede- oaadia /run away
1198.running alone- dokusou- oththaiyaaka oaaduka ; oththaiyaa- alone; oaaduka- to run; letters are read more than once.
1199.salty- shoppai- uppaa
*1200.salty- karai- karikka
*1201.sayings- goruku- koorukai ; kooruka- say . year- nendo- aandu / year rika- arikai /to know police- tehai- thaeda
1205.seclusion form the world- tonsei- thaniyaa /alone
1206.secret hot spring- hitou- uooththu/ spring
*1207.seizure- oushuu- isivu
1208.separation- rikaku- pirikai
1209.servant- keri -seikai kaaran
1210.servant- dou -adiyaan ; thoothan .
*1211.servant- dorei -adiyaar ; thoothar .
1212.serving food- settai – idu ; saatham idu ; saatham- cooked rice.
1213.sexual intercourse- seikou- oaakka ;seika /do .
1214.sexual intercourse- kousetsu- koodu / to unite
shaking – douyou - aadida
* -kiremono- koormaiyaana
1216.shave- tei- mudi yaei edu ; mudi- hair ;edu -take away /remove
1217.shield- toku -saedakam
*1218.shit- kuso- kakka
*1219.shit- baba- pee
*1220.shirt- shatsu- sattai
*1221.shepherd- kainushi- Koanaan
1222.shepherd- bokudou -kudavan; ka= va; va= ka.
1223.showy- akudoi- pakattu; kaattu- to show.
1224. sightseeing- kankou- kann kaana ; kann- eye; kaana- see.
1225. similarity- douitsu - oththida
*1226.similar type- ruikei- orae rakam ; orae- similar; rakam- type/ kind
1227. sleeve- sode- sattai kai ; sattai- shirt; kai- arm .
*1228.slippers- surippa- seruppu
*1229.slow- mota mota- methu methu vaa
1230.small shield- kodate- kutti kaedayam ; kutti- small; kaedayam- shield; letters are read more than once.
1231.small shrine- hokora- koa yir/ temple
*1232.small tiger- kodora- kutti kodu vari ; ka= va; va= ka; kutti- small; kodu vari- tiger.
*1233.tiger’s den- kokou- kukai/ den
*1234.smiling- nikoyaka- nakaikka/ laugh
* as to speak- iwayuru- waai urai ; waai- mouth ; urai -speech .
*1236.solely- tanni – thaniyaa
*1237.solitude- dokkyo- othukkam
*1238.solo fight- tan doku –thaniyae thaakku ;thaakku- fight.
*1239.something burnt black- kuroyaki – karukka
1240.sound of walking- tekoteko – takku takku nu adi edukka- adi -foot; edukka- take ;adi edukku- to walk.
1241.sound of smoking- puka puka- pukai pukaikka ; pukai- smoke; pukaikka- to smoke.
1242.spices- kouryo- kari sarakku ; sarakku- letters are in reversed order.
*1243.spicy -karai - kaaram
1244.spoiled- katanshi- kaedaana
1245. spots- potsu potsu – pottu pottaa
1246.stage- butai –padi ; peedam .
*1247.starting the engine- kidou- iyakkidu
*1248.stature- take- thakaimai
*1249.stealing- settou- sudu
1250.stomach- shitappara – soattru pai ; letters are jumbled; soaru- cooked rice; pai- bag .
1251.story telling- koudan- kathai kathaiththidanum ; kathai- story ;kathaiththidu- tell; letters are read more than once.
1252.straw curtain- tare- thirai/ curtain
*1253.strife- soudou- sandai
*1254.strip- kire- kari
1255.struggle- jita bata- paadu padu ;adi padu .
1256.struggle- tatakai- thindaadukai
1257.stubborn- katai- kadaa thanam
1258.submission- toukou- adakkam
*1259.suddenly- patto- pattu nu
1260.suitability- tekitou- thakuthi
*1261.summary- shouroku-surukkam
1262.superintendent- kanchou- kannkaani ; letters are read more than once.
*1263.superior- yuuryou- uyariya
1264.supplement- furoku – pir saerkkai ; letters are read more than once.
1265.supervise- suberu- paaru
1266.sweeping up- soutou- thudai
*1267.swelling- boudai – uppidda/ to swell ; pudaippu/ swelling ; thadippu/swelling ; letters are jumbled.
*1268.sword- tou- yaethi
1269.sword- subeta- patta
*1270.synangogue- kaidou- koattam /temple
*1271.synthesis- tougou- thoku ;thokuppu.
1272.tailor- tera- thaiyar
*take- teiku- edukka
talking- katari-kathaiththar
1273.tall- takai- nettaiyaaka
*task- kadai- kadamai
*1274.tasteless- sappuukei- sappakaa
*1275.teacher / fencing- shihan- aasaan
1276.teaching- kyoudou- kaththu kodu /to teach; letters are read more than once.
1277.tearing off- kiritori-
*1278.tearing- bari bari- piriya
1279.tears of gratitude- kanrui- kann neer / tears; kann- eye; neer- water.
*1280.the best- sairyou- seeriya
*1281.body- taiku- udakku ; thaekam [?Skt]
*1282.emperor- kamigochinin- koa makan
1283.the foot- shitate- adi
*1284.street- chounai- saenai
1285.throne- teii- maedai
1286.three- mi- moonu
*1287.tightly- gyutto- kettiyaa
1288.tile- tairu- tharai oaadu/ floor tile ; letters are jumbled; tharai- floor; oaadu- tile .
1289.time- ma- mani
1290.title- daimei -pattam
*to allot- ategau- othukku
to answer- kotaeru-vidai thara ; ka= va; va= ka; vidai- answer; thara- to give. argue- watariau- vaathiduthar ; vidaathu urai .
* arrange- soroeru – seer sei ask for and receive- koitoru- kaettu peru ; kaettidu- ask; peru- receive .
* assign- ateru -iduthar
* be -oru- iru
* be angry- ikidooru- kadu kaduththar ; letters are read more than once ;letters are read more than once .
* be distant- hedataru- ettaththir
* be dizzy- megamawaru mayakkam ura/wara be doubtful- ayabumu –iyam /doubt be exhausted- bateru- theera
*1301.tip- sue- uchchi
1302.tip- hana- nunai ; letter is read more than once. apply a patch- ateru- ottu iduthar; letter ‘t’ is read more than once.
* arrive- saisuru- saeru be idle- saboru- sompaeriyaa
* be prepared- totonou- yaththaniththidu ;yeththani
* be proud- ibaru- perumai be short of- kirasu- kuraivu ; ka= va; va= ka.
* be shut out- hedateru- adaiththar /shut ; thaduththar . be soldierly- bubaru- poar yaeru / warrior be sooty- susukeru- be stained- susukeru –karai ura ; karai- stain . yoga- yaakkai yaei oaakku / make the body ; yaakkai- body; oaakku- make. shigoto – kattu
1315.withering- choujin- soon
1316.what time- nanji- enna mani ;enna- what; mani- time .
1317.village- bireji- puram
*1318.wood- uddo – thadi
woman- fujin- penn
1319.wisdom- rikou- arivu ; ka= va; va= ka ; arikai – to know.
1320.widow- kafu- kaim penn
1321.who- izure- yaaru
1322.who -dare- yaar athu /who is that ; athu- that; letters are jumbled.
*1323.what number- nanban- enna ennu ; enna- what ;enn- number
*1324.wealth- tomi- thaeyam
*1325.wealth- furyoku- ferukkam / prosperity
1326.water well- ido- thanni uooththu ;thanni- water; uoothhtu- spring/ a well .
1327.warrior- masurao- maaran
1328.walking- toho- adi edu ; adi- foot; edu- take.
*1329.voice- issei - oaasai / sound ; voice[E] = oaasai
1300.view- shoken- kaana /to view
1301. Victoria- bikutoria -kottravai ; ka= va; va= ka.
1302.victory- bikutori- kottram
*1303.villain- akuto- kodiyoan ; victor[ E] [ -va- ka- the- Ra-] = kottravan
*1304.troubles- katto- koatti
*1305.vessel- fune- punai
1306.vest- besuto- jatti; ut sattai- inner; letters are jumbled.
*1307.unite- gattai- koodu; koottu; kattu .
*1308.united- yunaiteddo- onnaayida / to become one
*1309.union- goudou- koottam; koodukai; kattam.
*1310.unfitness- fu tekitou- thakuthi kidaiyaathu ;thkuthi- fitness; kidaiyathu- without; lettersare read more than once.
1311.trouble- kodawari- koadaravam ; letters are jumbled.
1312.triple- mienoumi –mummai
1313.trick- geitou- thakku ; thattu kottu ;letters are jumbled.
1314.tree-ki- akam
*1315.trap door- ageita- kai kathavu; kanni kathavu. vomit- hakidasu - kakkidu
1317.tracks- ato- thadam
* end- ura – uyarae
to twinkle- matataku – minu minuththiduka shine- migaku- minukka shine- teru – thudiththar ; letters are read more than once.
1321.tell again- oru kaeru –maru murai kooru ; maru murai- again; kooru- say.
* take- toru- eduththar tailor- shitateru – theiththar
* stop- todaeru- thaduththar .
* share- waketoru- wakuththu thara ; vakuththar .
* distribute-wakeataeru- vakuththu thara
* divide- wakeru- wakiru
*1328.divide- wakatsu- wakuththidu
1329.divide- shikiru- pakiru sew- nuu- nei/ weave rescue from- sukuu – kaakka
1332.request- kou- kaekka
* do- shidekasu – seithiduka
* reclaim- umetateru- meettu eduththar
* receive hearing- kikiitadaku – kaettidukai put things in order- soroeru- seer sei
* produce- kitasu- aakkidu pretend- terau- nadiththar
* prepare- totonoeru- yeththaniththar
* prepare- shitateru- seithiduthar pour- tsugu- uooththuga neglect- okotaru- kai viduthar ; ka= va; va= ka. multiply- fueru- peruka mow- karitoru- kaththariththar ; letters are jumbled. move- okikaeru- nakaru mourn for- toburau - thuyar ura mourn for- tomurau -thuyaram ura; letters are jumbled. mark off- kugiru kurikka make sound /animal- naku- naakam /sound
* lie down- yokotaeru- kidaththar ; tharaiyir kidaththar ;tharai- floor. know- shitteiru- thiriya
1352.jump- odoru- thaanduthar
to instigate- odateru –thoonduthar
* insert /an illustration- surikomu- sorukanum
to inquire- ukagu- kaekka / ask harvest- toru- aruththar ; letters are in reversed order. harvest- karitoru- - kathir aruththar ; kathir-crops; aruththar- reap. hate- kirau- kaaridu hand over- hikotsugu- kodukka / give groan- umeku –munaku
* go about- dearuku- thirika/roam give [ hon]- kudasaru- koduththar
* follow/ road- tadoru – thodaru fasten- ategau – mudi iduka
* entertain- idaku- uoottuka employ- yatou- idu ; poadu ; eedu paduththu .
* choose- toru- eduththar become popular- ureru – uoor ariya / to be well known to the village people ; uoor- village; ariya- to know.
* boil- yudaru- aduthar
* build- tateru- thithithar burn- hoteru- thee iduthar ; thee- fire; idu- make; eriththidu ;letters are in reversed order.
* cause-kitasu – aakkidu ; kathai .
* cease- todaeru- oaaeidar
*1372.two- riyo- eru
1373.wither- dochira ye- uthira break- ori- muri know- shiri- ariya
1376.get- choudai- adai tayeru- aathari ; thari; thaarippu .